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White Branch

About First Church

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We Live, We Love,
We Serve

Somerset First United Methodist began in 1865, this historic church has battled many changes, growth peaks, and some valleys. It stands on the shoulders of many saints who have gone before us.

While the culture around us may be changing, often too rapidly for yours truly...God is still in charge. His Word never changes. Our faces change with age; new faces get added as they enter our community of faith. God's Word is the baseline! Our prayer life is our LIFELINE to God.

When you look into First Church and see the light shining thru the stained glass Jesus, it gives you a positive sense of what goes on inside these doors. When you are inside you get the sense fo Jesus calling us to GO FORTH (thru the same window).

Our location is ideal in so many ways and we are often the facility used for Advent and Lenten services for the entire community.

Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

First, to be obedient to Jesus’ command, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT, and teach them to obey everything that I, Jesus, have

commanded you.”

Our church location is enviable, and we hold a distinctive place in the Community Ministerium to host

both Advent and Lent services for the community.

We are designated a TEACHING PARISH in this Connellsville District. We offer Certified Lay Ministry and

Lay Servant coursework.

We are committed to the authority of scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Change is coming, and

we wish to be a part of that spirit-filled change

White Branch

Our Pastor



David and Patricia McCall

Pastor Dave has been married to Patricia for 51 years. Our secret, “Loving God, Loving each other”. We have three grown sons, all happily married with six grandchildren so far, ranging in age from 7 months to 17 years. We have been part of Somerset First Church since 1966.

He received his Bachelor's Degree in Education-Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Science from Waynesburg University.  Then went on to earn his Masters in Education Counselor Education.  Dave was instrumental in helping to begin a community college campus in Somerset County (ACM) where he taught undergrad courses in Sociology, Psychology, Thanatos, and grad courses in Counselor Education.

He has earned various Clergy related training to include, Activity Directory Certification, Lay Servant Certification, and Finishing CLM Certification.


Wrote a book From Tragedy to Triumph on experience that he encountered while serving as a volunteer to the Flight 93 families. 


During his free time, he is an avid reader, fisherman, chip carver, singer of Christian music. He feels the need to give back to the church by being a Joy in servanthood and leading folks to the Lord.


Some of the Burdens that he feels bureaucracy, having to redo things already completed once, wasting time.

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